Friday, October 1, 2010

Bigger and Stronger Arms

Did you know that the bicep muscle is not the primary mover of elbow flexion? The biceps muscle crosses both the elbow and shoulder joint and is used in both elbow flexion and raising the shoulder. The primary mover of the elbow is a much ignored muscle called the brachialis. It lies beneath the attention hogging bicep muscle and is often ignored during workout routines. So how do you work this strong, yet under worked muscle? Simple. Since the primary motion of the muscle is to flex the arm, and the connection of the muscle lies on the ulna bone, you must either turn your wrist so your thumb is up (hammer curls), or to isolate it more, turn your palms down facing the ground(reverse curls). You can see the different muscles working right at your computer. Try flexing your arm with your palm facing you. You will see your bicep muscle shorten and bulge. Now turn your wrist so it faces away from you. Your bicep no longer is shortened, but there is another muscle (your brachialis) holding your arm in this position. Working both the biceps muscle and the brachialis will increase strength and size of your arms without having to take supplementation.

Furious Fitness Seattle



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