Friday, October 15, 2010

Protein, Protein, Protein!

One of the Furious Fitness Trainers, Steve, has been working with a client for over 6 months now. Jojo has seen amazing results. A lot of the results have come from Jojo's change in diet.

When anyone starts to exercise they will be doing damage to their body. They will need more protein than usual to be able to repair their body and see the wanted results. The recommended amounts of protein for an active individual is about .8 grams for every pound of body weight, so a 180 lb person should have roughly 144 grams of protein daily. For people who are trying to gain a great deal of weight and are lifting heavy weights for longer sessions 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight is recommended.

"Steve was recommended to me by a friend at the gym, no particular reason, just because he was a good trainer. However, after my third session I realized that he was not only a great trainer, but maybe the best trainer I've ever had. And I mean this for numerous reasons: his punctuality, his will to always explain every movement, his positive reinforcement, his knowledge, his impeccable appearance, his patience, his excitement and his professionalism.

My experience with Steve has been nothing but positive and my physical improvement was remarkable, thank to his influence. I could go on and on... so if you have further questions please feel free to contact me."

Jojo Corväiá

Furious Fitness Seattle

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